Sunday, January 27, 2013


I was at Southern Exposure earlier this week for a meeting, and ended up telling folks there about this project. One interesting thing that was pointed out to me by Dave was that, if he were to become a shareholder, he could call himself a vegan while continuing to eat animal products. He would just be paying someone to eat vegan for him. As the purchased vegan in question, I hadn't considered this viewpoint yet.

Which brought to mind the idea of indulgences - the original meaning of the word. I'm not a Catholic, and although I think they were supposed to be more than "get out of hell free" cards, they basically were transactions of absolution.

Which is absurd - and also brings to question, is it really forgiveness/absolution if a person has to purchase it? Shouldn't something like that be freely given? And if it's not freely given, is it authentic?

Which brings me to carbon credits. Some environmentalists have criticized the idea of carbon offset dealing, because they feel it commodofies nature and things that should be free to all living things (ie. the atmosphere and temperature of the planet). Today I'm wondering if they, along with eating organic food, are the 21st Century version of indulgences.

Basically, it could suggest that as the vegan for sale, I am being paid to do good deeds in someone else's name.